June 11th: Introduction to Lay Ministry (Basic)
Led by Rev. Gypsy Murdaugh – Registration open until 06.06.2022
This is an overview course that provides helpful background for all laypersons in service in the church and community. It is also required for all who pursue recognition in Lay Servant Ministries. The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course is a foundational course designed to equip new church leaders and renew current leaders in The United Methodist Church. It explores
- personal spiritual gifts
- servant leadership
- each leader’s role in developing future leaders
- the importance of consistent spiritual practices
- the core ministries of Leading, Caring, and Communicating
Please call or email the District Office with any questions about registration:
districts@nccumc.org or 919.779.9435
If you have any questions about the course, you are invited to contact
District Director of Lay Servant Ministries:
Effie McGill (effie.mcgill@gmail.com)