Grace and peace to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a pleasure to be a servant of the lord and do his work. My name is Tommy Hart a pastor in the Gateway District, and the leader on Anti-Racism. I am looking forward to seeing all of you in the next meeting in January. You will receive notice on the date and place of the meeting.
We are called to dismantle Anti-Racism as leaders in the Gateway District. This is important and I believe we can do the work, pray together, and get the work done by faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He died for our salvation and pours out abundance of grace on us. By living in sanctifying grace, we should have a will to do the work.
I believe it is better for all of us to take some training, learning history of our past to find the truth. Then the chains will be broken if we stand together in unity in the body of Christ. Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting to get started in this great work. God bless you and your families.
Tommy Hart
Pastor at Fletcher Chapel/St. Peter UMC